KOM Educational Consultants

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Leap Across Continents

From Canadian College to Elite Universities in Australia, UK & Ireland.

Ready to Elevate Your Academic Journey?

Start your application with KOM today!

Bridging Canadian Colleges to Global Top-tier Universities!

For 20+ years, KOM Consultants has streamlined transfers from Canadian Colleges to elite universities in Australia, UK, and Ireland. As Canada’s leading transfer authority, we offer comprehensive guidance, from application to travel. Trust KOM to connect you to top global institutions.

The short answer; to fast-track qualifications making you job ready sooner.

Students often don’t realize how much credit our overseas universities will award for Canadian College qualifications. Generally speaking, a three year advanced diploma graduate can obtain an undergraduate degree in Australia, Ireland, and the UK in just one academic year. Two year diploma graduates usually study for one and half years to obtain a relevant undergraduate degree.

KOM also provide Applied Degree graduates and Graduate Certificate holders from Canadian Colleges direct entry into a suite of Masters Program’s through our Australian, Irish and UK universities.

One of the key benefits of studying overseas is the shorter time required to complete your qualifications. Taking this into consideration, the overall costs associated with international studies are often comparable to domestic study expenses endured over a longer period of time. In most cases, overseas studies will allow students to graduate sooner than Canadian university transfer options.

The quicker you complete your qualifications, the quicker in the workforce earning money!

Studying abroad, especially in countries like Australia, Ireland, or the UK, offers numerous advantages. Not only does it make you stand out in the job market, but it also equips you with a unique skill set, cultural immersion, and real-life experiences.

Graduates from international universities are perceived as problem solvers, creative thinkers, and individuals enriched by diverse interactions. Furthermore, a report by Employment and Social Development Canada indicates that higher education leads to significant growth in earnings throughout one’s career – nearly doubling for those with a university degree. This education also results in a higher retirement income, with university-educated seniors having median incomes around $40,000 and greater reliance on private pensions over state benefits.

KOM Consultants streamlines the university application process for Canadian College students looking to transfer credits to institutions in the UK, Ireland, and Australia.

Our services include providing in-country support, answering queries about credit transfers, offering insights on overseas schools, helping with application documents, ensuring maximum credit transfer, guiding students through acceptance, housing, finance, and travel options, advising on study and work permits, hosting information sessions, and coordinating with both local and overseas institutions. Our focus on detail and personalized approach saves students both time and money. To benefit from our comprehensive support, applications must be submitted through KOM.

Transcend Borders:
Elevate Your Education Abroad

An aerial view of a surfer walking with a surfboard on a pink sandy beach in Australia

Discover Australia

Dive into world-class education down under. Transition from Canadian colleges to top-tier Australian universities for an unmatched educational experience. Australia, the third most popular destination for international students, offers diverse study options in world-class institutions.

Studying here not only boosts your resume but also immerses you in a vibrant, multicultural society. Enjoy Australia’s high standard of living, laid-back lifestyle, and its sun-soaked landscapes as you pursue academic excellence.

Explore Ireland

Step into the heart of Celtic academia. Make the leap from Canadian colleges to Ireland’s esteemed universities. Ireland, known for affordable tuition and outstanding education, beckons international students. Dive deep into a culture rich in tradition and warmth.

Benefit from quicker degree completion, part-time work opportunities, and prospects after graduation. With Ireland’s focus on educational excellence and its ties to global industry leaders, you’re set on a path to success. Experience the allure of one of Europe’s entrepreneurial gems

54876,Sunrise shining on Big Ben, London, United Kingdom

Unlock the United Kingdom

Step into the esteemed halls of the UK’s renowned educational institutions. Canadian students transitioning to the UK benefit from a blend of globally recognized qualifications and expedited degree completions. Notably, the UK’s educational system stands out for its high quality and shorter completion time, often allowing students to attain a master’s degree within just an additional year.

Beyond the curriculum, the UK offers an enriching blend of culture, history, and heritage, making your academic journey an adventure of a lifetime. Experience a harmonious blend of top-notch education and rich traditions in a safe, welcoming environment.